No matter what therapy you turn to, the earlier you get help the better the outcomes.
- Often only one partner complains of being unhappy or disconnected. It is common for the other partner to deny or minimize unhappiness.
- The relationship slowly loses the attention it needs due to other stressors; children, work, finances, aging parents and more. Often not addressed until a crisis occurs.
- Sometimes there are cultural views that impact beliefs about therapy.
- Mistaken beliefs that create fear or shame about therapy make it difficult for couples to seek help.
- Many couples view therapy only as a solution to a crisis rather than taking preventive measures to maintain health in their relationship.
- Couples minimize how much life transitions impact the relationship—getting married, blending families, raising children, changing jobs, relocating, addictions, or caring for aging parents.
- Some people are also afraid that their partner wants “them” to change—and won’t accept them for who they are.
- Emotionally it is terrifying to give up our self-protection and become vulnerable.
No matter what therapy you turn to, the earlier you get help the better the outcomes.